dos and don'ts after wisdom tooth extraction

Wisdom teeth extraction is usually a surgical procedure in dentistry. Despite the pain that wisdom teeth cause, it is natural for patients to be anxious about having any surgery. However, your safety and comfort are our top priority when you come to us. 

Our surgeons are experts at surgical tooth removal, and we use the least invasive techniques to minimize discomfort following surgery. They will typically suggest these tips of dos and don’ts after wisdom tooth extraction to ensure you have the best recovery from your wisdom teeth extraction.


  • Ice your face for the first day. Icing will help reduce your pain and swelling.
  • Bite on your gauze to stop bleeding.
  • Stay on a liquid or soft food diet initially. Slowly transition to normal foods as you begin to heal.
  • Drink ample amount of fluids – but do not use a straw!
  • Take your pain medication as prescribed. Skipping pain medication can result in increased pain or swelling.
  • You can start brushing your teeth the second day after your surgery but be gentle and use a soft\paediatric brush at wisdom teeth extraction sites.
  • Call the dentist immediately if you develop a fever (which could be a sign of infection) or have pain or swelling that won’t subside despite following the above instructions.
  • Perform jaw exercises prescribed or suggested by the dentist.
  • Start salt water gargles after 2 days of surgery, thrice a day, and let the water sit on the site of the surgery.


  • Don’t eat until the effect of anesthesia wears off.
  • Take extra care while eating and speaking, as your tongue will be numb and you might end up hurting yourself.
  • Avoid spitting much, you are advised to swallow any saliva or traces of blood. 
  • Don’t rinse your mouth too hard. Rinsing with saltwater is well recommended after 24 hours of the surgery.
  • Only Room temperature or cold food is prescribed on procedure day.
  • Avoid popcorn, pretzels, potato chips, and other hard foods for at least one week.
  • You can stop using ice packs after the second day of your wisdom teeth extraction. Instead, you can switch to a heating pad, only on the outside of the face.

About dry socket

Normal discomfort following tooth removal surgery is very common and includes swelling and soreness. However, it is usually manageable with over-the-counter painkillers.

You might have a dry socket if it doesn’t disappear in 2-3 days. Symptoms of dry socket are:

  • intense pain a few days after surgery
  • visible bone in the socket
  • visibly empty socket with a missing or partially missing blood clot
  • pain that radiates from the socket to the rest of the face
  • bad breath or foul odour in your mouth

What Else Should you Know? 

Because so many wisdom teeth extraction patients choose a form of sedation to increase their comfort during extraction, it’s important to remember that everyone responds to these medications differently. No matter what, you will not be able to drive yourself home after the surgery. Instead, you must arrange for a family member or friend to transport you back home. 

You also should not be alone for the first few hours after your procedure to ensure that if you encounter any complications from your anesthesia and medication, you have help if you need it.

Follow these instructions and proper oral care after surgery to boost and ensure quality recovery. Most people feel improvement within three days after surgery and are usually totally healed within a week.

For any of your dental care requirements in Mumbai, you can contact us or book an appointment. We are a dedicated team willing to provide you with the confident and pearly smile you deserve